About Us
Fortuna dental has four independent and highly equipped cubicles for your privacy.
Our team has more than 12 people ready to support you in whatever you need,
4 highly qualified and certified doctors,
4 assistants & all our reception staff.
Own Laboratory
We have our own dental laboratory to provide a higher quality & security to the patient.
The dental laboratory's primary role in restorative dentistry is to perfectly copy all of the functional and esthetic parameters that have been defined by the dentist into a restorative solution. Throughout the entire restorative process, from the initial patient consultation, diagnosis, and treatment planning to final restoration placement.
Our Story
We are a Dental Clinic with more than 4 years helping patients with their pain, and we always try to make the best experience possible for them; putting their needs ahead of anything else.
Meet The Team
Dr. Luis Apreza
Educacion: D.D.S en BUAP
Benemérita universidad autónoma de puebla
Maestria : Maestría en integral avanzada, AT UASLP universal autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Logros: Miembro de la Asociación Dental Mexicana (ADM)
Campo de Experiencia:
implantes, Estética dental y manejo de tejidos blandos.
C.D. Elias Rodriguez
Educacion: D.D.S en UAN
universidad autónoma de Nayarit
Logros: Diplomado en implantologia oral
Campo de Experiencia:
Implantologia , Protesis bucal, Periodoncia
Dr. Gustavo Espinoza
Educacion: D.D.S en UAS
universidad autónoma de sinaloa
Maestria : Maestría en integral avanzada, AT UASLP universal autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Logros: Diplomado en endodoncia
Certificacion en colocacion de implantes
Diplomado implantologia oral, implantes y en tecnicas & clocacion de implantes
Campo de Experiencia:
14 años de experiencia
Dr. Oscar Rivera
Educacion: D.D.S en UNAM
universidad autónoma de Mêxico.
Logros: Mas de 40 años de experiencia en el ramo.
Diplomado en Ortodoncia & implantes
Campo de Experiencia: Rehabilitacion Oral, Protesis , Implantes & Ortodoncia